Tuesday, February 24, 2015

ial Media Optimization
  1. Schema Tags for Facebook and Google+ has been already installed to avoid thumbnail and description snippet errors
  2. Sharing counters would easily pick the right Image and post description
  3. Around 360+ social media sharing options are added both at the bottom and slide panel of the post section.
  4. Subscription widget is designed by keeping reader's psyche in mind, providing major focus to Email subscription only. Includes multi subscribing options for RSS, twitter and Facebook.
User Interface
  1. The template is designed in order to force visitors to stay longer and make more Page views.
  2. How better experience could a template offer if it's design is perfectly compatible with all major browsers including the horrible IE!
  3. The Scripts and Style sheets work just perfect in IE, Firefox and Chrome. Slight conditional tags will still be introduced tomorrow for IE, just ran out of time tonight.
  4. The layout colors are chosen by keeping standard Hexadecimal and web friendly fonts. This is often acceptable by a wide variety of readers especially visitors with sight vision problems and those who are aged. No dark or eye burning colors!
  5. The header, content wrapper, post section, sidebar section and footer, all comes with handy widgets to make the site navigation more like a fun.
  6. A friendly search box is added next to menu to provide easy site search.
  7. Our recently released Blogger notification bar is already included thus keeping your readers updated with latest announcements or deals.
  8. A beautiful footer at the bottom with author info would tell the visitor he is not reading a dead blog but one that is ran by a real man! Author bio would also appear below each post.
  9. We can keep on describing more but let leave rest for you to decide.
Widgets & Plugins
Why don't you check and count them yourselves? :)


Our hostgator account is undergoing some maintenance and as soon as it is  in normal working condition, I would inform you all through the notification bar and the download link would be added to both our download page and here.
Update: Download the template right now! Visit our Download Page


A separate detailed tutorial will be shared soon in order to help you all more comprehensively wit the technical details and template installation.



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